Published inDev Geniusmlflow model tracking with oidc authenticationmlflow oidc custom authenticationFeb 10, 2024Feb 10, 2024
Published inDev Geniusmlflow oidc custom authenticationUsing the model tracking function provided by mlflow allows you to manage model history, which is very convenient when developing models…Dec 27, 20231Dec 27, 20231
How to build NVIDIA gpu driver image for rocky linux for gpu operatorIn the last article, we looked at a simple way to use the gpu operator in Rocky Linux. However, the centos8 image is not provided for gpu…Nov 9, 2022Nov 9, 2022
How to install NVIDIA GPU Operator with A100 on Kubernetes base Rocky linuxIn the meantime, how to configure nvidia gpu in kubernetes was very tricky. To provision a simple GPU pod, we had to build essential…Dec 17, 2021Dec 17, 2021
Configuration of the Kubernetes cluster with external ETCD for a lab environment (3)In the previous article, the Control Plane node was initialized by connecting an external ETCD node. Next, let’s initialize the Worker…Nov 10, 2021Nov 10, 2021
Configuration of the Kubernetes cluster with external ETCD for a lab environment (2)In the control plane server, kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager are executed. In general, ETCD is also executed…Oct 30, 2021Oct 30, 2021
Configuration of the Kubernetes cluster with external ETCD for a lab environment (1)This time, let’s configure the Kubernetes cluster, which can be said to be the main part of the lab environment. Since Kubernetes…Oct 22, 2021Oct 22, 2021
Configuration the keycloak server for SSO(Single-Sign-On) for a lab environment (2)Continuing from the last time(Configuration the keycloak server for SSO(Single-Sign-On) for a lab environment), This time we will connect…Oct 14, 2021Oct 14, 2021
Configuration the keycloak server for SSO(Single-Sign-On) for a lab environment (1)Continuing from the last time(Configuration the PostgreSQL database for metadata using PGPool on lab environment), this time, we will…Oct 7, 2021Oct 7, 2021
Configuration the PostgreSQL database for metadata using PGPool on lab environmentContinuing from the last time(Configuration the 389 directory server for authentication and authorization for lab environment), this time…Oct 3, 20211Oct 3, 20211